About Us
OpenSource is a new, upcoming student organization dedicated to enhancing the programming skills of Cal students through guided project development, familiarization with programming resources, and contributions to the "Open Source."

We are seeking individuals of all levels of programming experience to take part in the initial launch of our organization, where we will be covering topics ranging from coding interview preparation to the implementation of a Python project in conjunction with Amazon Web Services. We're hoping to create an inclusive and open community of people.
Infosession Slides
During the Spring 2019 semester, we will be leading a project education course in which students are guided as they complete an original web-scraping program complete with data processing and a notification service, to be hosted through AWS. We will also be contributing to open source projects and libraries across the web, and plan on hosting interview preparation sessions to help you score those summer internships.

We will be having students split into teams to work throughout the semester. Students will have free-range to decide how they will complete their projects and the direction they will take their team. We are helping students to develop their abilities to work in an enviorment similar to that found after graduation.
Contact Us
Deadline: Friday, Feb 9, 2019
OpenSource is looking for self-motivated individuals to take part in our first ever computer science educational community. The application is more of us trying to get to know you and to decide on groups.
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